About BASIX – BASIX (Building Sustainability Index)

BASIX-NATHERS-ABSA-Certifications-NCC-Section-J-Report-ESD-Energy-Efficency-ReportBASIX Certificate, BASIX Certifier, BASIX Certificate, BASIX Certifier

What is a BASIX Certificate? BASIX Certificate in NSW

The Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) is a state government initiative aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of new buildings and renovations. A BASIX certificate is a mandatory document that demonstrates the energy, water and thermal efficiency of new homes and renovations in New South Wales. BASIX Certificate BASIX Certifier

The BASIX certificate is issued after the submission of a BASIX assessment, which evaluates the proposed building’s design and construction methods against a set of sustainability criteria. The assessment considers factors such as water and energy efficiency, renewable energy use, building fabric performance and thermal comfort.

To obtain a BASIX certificate, the building design must meet minimum sustainability standards as outlined in the NSW government’s BASIX guidelines. This includes water and energy reduction targets and the thermal comfort requirements under Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) protocol.

The BASIX certificate is required for all new homes and renovations in NSW that require development approval, including single and multi-dwelling developments, home alterations and additions, and granny flats.

The BASIX assessment and certificate must be completed by a qualified assessor registered with the NSW government. Once the certificate is issued, the building design must be constructed in accordance with the assessment.

The BASIX certificate is an important part of the building approval process and demonstrates the building’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. It helps to ensure that new homes and renovations in NSW are energy and water efficient, reducing the environmental impact and contributing to a more sustainable future.

If you are planning a new home or renovation in NSW, it is essential to obtain a BASIX certificate. Contact us today to learn more about the BASIX assessment process and how to obtain your BASIX certificate.


What are BASIX Requirements?

BASIX (Building Sustainability Index) requirements are the minimum sustainability standards set by the NSW government for new homes and renovations in New South Wales, Australia. The requirements aim to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings by promoting energy and water efficiency, as well as the use of renewable energy.

The BASIX requirements cover several key areas, including:

Water efficiency: buildings must meet targets (up to a 40% reduction in potable water consumption) for water usage through measures such as low-flow showerheads/taps, dual-flush toilets, low-water plants and rainwater tanks.

Energy efficiency: buildings must meet targets (up to a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions) for energy usage through measures such as insulation, efficient heating and cooling systems, and the use of renewable energy sources.

Thermal comfort: buildings must be designed to provide a comfortable living environment through measures such as orientation, shading, and ventilation.

Renewable energy: buildings must incorporate renewable energy sources, such as solar hot water systems, to reduce their reliance on non-renewable energy.

BASIX outlines the minimum performance levels for thermal comfort of the dwelling and replaces the National Construction Code (NCC) Section J Energy Efficiency benchmarks within NSW. Thermal comfort levels are assessed on an individual dwelling basis via a simulation method in accordance with the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) protocol.

To obtain a BASIX certificate, a building design must meet the BASIX requirements as outlined in the NSW government’s BASIX guidelines. The BASIX certificate must be obtained before development approval can be granted for a new home or renovation.


What are the BASIX benchmarks?

Water: the average NSW annual potable water consumption from the residential sector per capita.

Energy: the average NSW annual greenhouse gas emissions from the residential sector per capita.

To obtain a BASIX Certificate, a minimum level of savings/reduction, expressed as a ‘target’, must be achieved. The minimum improvement benchmark for each index is based on the project development’s location, size, height, and dwelling density.


BASIX New Materials Index

The BASIX New Materials Index is a tool used in the Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) assessment process in New South Wales, Australia. It evaluates the environmental impact of building materials used in new homes and renovations.

The BASIX New Materials Index considers factors such as embodied energy, greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion, and toxic impacts associated with the production, transportation, and disposal of building materials.

The BASIX New Materials Index is used in conjunction with the BASIX energy, water and thermal efficiency requirements to ensure that new homes and renovations are as environmentally friendly as possible. The index helps to identify the most sustainable building materials and to encourage the use of materials that have a lower environmental impact.

Building designers and architects can use the BASIX New Materials Index to make informed decisions about the materials they use in their designs. The index helps to ensure that new homes and renovations in NSW are not only energy and water efficient but also made from materials that are environmentally responsible.

The BASIX New Materials Index is a key part of the BASIX assessment process and is used to calculate the overall environmental impact of a building design.


How to get a BASIX Certificate?

To obtain a BASIX (Building Sustainability Index) certificate in New South Wales, Australia, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Hire a registered BASIX & NatHERS assessor: A accredited assessor is a professional who is registered with the NSW government to perform BASIX & NatHERS assessments. They will evaluate your building design and determine whether it meets the BASIX requirements.
  2. Submit your building design: Provide your BASIX & NatHERS assessor with your building design, including plans and specifications. The assessor will use this information to calculate the building’s sustainability score and determine whether it meets the BASIX & NatHERS requirements.
  3. Complete the BASIX & NatHERS assessment: Your assessor will complete the assessment using the information provided in your building design. The assessment will calculate the building’s water and energy efficiency, as well as its thermal comfort performance under NatHERS protocol.
  4. Review the BASIX certificate: Once the assessment is complete, your BASIX & NatHERS assessor will provide you with a BASIX report, which outlines the sustainability measures required for your building design to meet the BASIX requirements. Review the report and make any necessary changes to your building design.
  5. Issue final BASIX & NatHERS certificates: Once the report is approved, the assessor will issue the final certificates and stamp the final architectural drawings.
  6. Obtain development approval: Once you have received your final BASIX & NatHERS certificates and stamped drawings, you can apply for development approval from the local council. Your BASIX & NatHERS certificates and stamped drawings must be submitted as part of the development approval process.
  7. Construct your building: Once you have received development approval, you can begin construction of your building. Ensure that the building is constructed in accordance with the BASIX & NatHERS certificates and the approved building plans.

In summary, to obtain a BASIX certificate, you need to hire a registered BASIX & NatHERS assessor, submit your building design, complete the online assessment, review the BASIX certificate, obtain development approval, and construct your building in accordance with the certificate and approved plans.


How long does BASIX last?

A BASIX certificate is valid for three months prior to submission to the council or accredited certifier. Once your BASIX certificate is lodged with the council or accredited certifier, it is valid for the maximum life of the development application. You will need to generate a new certificate if your BASIX certificate is not lodged within three months, which may incur additional fees.

Tip: To avoid additional fees, we recommend the BASIX report function is used until your design is finalised and ready for lodgement.


How long does it take to receive a BASIX Certificate?

Once all required information has been provided, ESD Scientific will deliver a draft report for client to review within five business days. We also provide the Express Turnaround Service for urgent projects.

If you are planning a new home or renovation in NSW, it is essential to obtain a BASIX certificate. Contact us today to learn more about the BASIX assessment process and how to obtain your BASIX certificate.